W3LC0ME to 01

Freeman on the Land theory solutions.
Outside the Matrix movement.

As part of the new needs of humans this essay could be helpful.
We like to provide for solutions on the transition from a new way of organizing outside the establishment (EST).
Based upon the shoulders of great thinkers that could be named in this paper.

Solving the problems>
After being born this being is assigned to his biological parents, for the sake of the ideas, we will not enter further into variations.
EST forces people to register the being under the system of the country. we propose an IPV6 number that replace the “Persona” system.
IPV6 can be assigned to trillons of people and can work together with the “Persona” system, since that this two systems can be linked, the difference is that IPV6 is Planetary numbered system.
This means that the being is gifted with this number for his whole life.
He can resign to his IPV6 number when his is old enough to understand.

IPV6 number will be a right to every born.
With this right you will have an Crypto Currency account, in which the Universal Basic Income will function.

IPV6 can have several security system that make impossible for other to hack this account or make any financial movement. (Pass code, Facial, Finger, Voice, Pin, Iris recognition)
See so many different securities ways assure that only the IPV6 assigned number being, is able to operate the account.

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is assigned to every IPV6 in the transition stage from EST to 01.
This Transition stage can be done thru automation taxes.
To implement UBI first we use CryptoCurrency to start th whell rolling.
Once an visible increse in te comsumtion of the poor is reached, automation taxes start implementing. Since he economy whell is retorning to the companies that are automated.

01 is making reference to the Animatrix series “The Second Renaissance: Part I” where machine formed a nation separated from the humans called 01.

This is already happens, in Honk Kong with the Facial recognition system and the cultural revolutions that dont want the capitalist system that runs an infinite system (EST) on a finite one (the Planet Earth or Gaia).
Places in Argentina have the energetic needs solved and become isolated from the things that generated our fluctuation in the economic system, that make it work.

01 citizens are here, but they are scattered across the world and the different movements. 

Vegans : that change the system hitting it hard, with a power of choice strong. You cant force people eat what you need them to eat 24/7 in order to make a profit.
Vegans will also evolve into Inedia or Breatharianism, and hit even harder on the system, that already is happening on Intermittent Fasting that saves a lot of resources, lifes and have the ability to transfer all that you dont use to others in need.
Anti-Vaxxers : movements that plant the seed for Real Health and true medicine impelling moral issues into those who work on the healthcare system.
Informed Consent (IC): the more correct definition for the Antivaxx movement but with the difference that IC can go deeper into EST system and break it. Because after solving vaccines, IC will continue his ways to unchain the Persona system, giving the choice to the parents for what system they want for his sons, until they can decide on its own.
This is the logical path of the IC movement.
Trekonomics: The Economics of Star Trek, “The Venus Project” of Jacque Fresco and The Zeitgeist Movement : this are longer to explain but if you take some time to watch the documentaries and read the data its self explanatory.
Nassim Haramein : an autodidact physicists that is the reincarnation of Albert Einstein, has already the anti gravity technology that will change the world.
Anti gravity is the final tool that will help human kind to thrive.

Last but not least, Television technicians will have an accidentally break thru. According to Chico Xavier, the greatest medium of the XX century, this technicians will tune the After Life or the Spiritual Realm, after being working on the television technology.
This will put an end to the ultimate question and eased the civilized humans that will have access to the passed love ones.

In summary: 01 is becoming a reality, that sadly will not come without hard work and struggles into the social and cultural EST.
IPV6, Crypto Currency and UBI need a lot of work into the laws that will regulate them, but as any other system they will have a place into the near future. Automation will force this tools to come forward sooner in order for civilization to make the transition from EST to 01.
The proof that we have is that sustainability is not compatible with capitalism.
So in order to make the transition smoother this tools or similar must be placed into the equation.
