
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2019

W3LC0ME to 01

Freeman on the Land theory solutions. Outside the Matrix movement. As part of the new needs of humans this essay could be helpful. We like to provide for solutions on the transition from a new way of organizing outside the establishment (EST). Based upon the shoulders of great thinkers that could be named in this paper. Solving the problems> After being born this being is assigned to his biological parents, for the sake of the ideas, we will not enter further into variations. EST forces people to register the being under the system of the country. we propose an IPV6 number that replace the “Persona” system. IPV6 can be assigned to trillons of people and can work together with the “Persona” system, since that this two systems can be linked, the difference is that IPV6 is Planetary numbered system. This means that the being is gifted with this number for his whole life. He can resign to his IPV6 number when his is old enough to understand. IPV6 number will be a r...